“Thank you for setting up the #UKWedLunch hour”
“Thank you for setting up the #UKWedLunch hour & bringing #weddingprofs & #bridetobe together. See you next week!”
Andrew Jones, Music for You, May 2017
“Thank you for setting up the #UKWedLunch hour & bringing #weddingprofs & #bridetobe together. See you next week!”
Andrew Jones, Music for You, May 2017
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 17th May 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today we are talking about wedding planning tools – what do you use? #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #1: Utilise magazines or wedding blogs or collective sites like @BlogLovin or @aislesociety #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #2: Use visual social media like Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #3: Download online resources, checklist, to do lists, rsvp trackers #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #4: Research local suppliers via online directories such as @guidesforbrides and @hitched and @cocovenues #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #5: Meet and sample suppliers products at wedding fairs, open days #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #6: Keep a note of your plans and spending whether in a notebook or in a spreadsheet #UKWedLunch
This week has been about wedding planning tools – what are the ones you can’t live without? #UKWedLunch
As well as general wedding planning chat, next week will be a networking week #UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 10th May 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today we are talking about alternatives to wedding invitations #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #1: Instead of printing your invites – send electronic invites and manage your RSVPs online #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #2: Instead of printing your invites on paper – print on wood or acrylic or cloth or stamp biscuits #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #3: Print your invites on things guests can use like tea towels, mugs, magnets, Christmas baubles #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #4: Reveal the message gradually by having your invites on puzzles, balloons, scratch cards or a message in a bottle #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #5: Give a hint of your theme with invites as tickets, maps, books or board games #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #6: Go retro with your invite acted out in pictures that people can see through a view master #UKWedLunch
This week has been about alternatives to wedding invitations. Let me know if there’s any topics you’d like #UKWedLunch to cover.
As well as general wedding planning chat, next week’s topic will be wedding planning tools #UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 3rd May 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today we are talking about first dances #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #1: Traditionally the happy couple take to the dance floor first to ‘open’ the floor. Will you be doing a first dance? #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #2: Pick a song that means something. Check all the lyrics (so they’re relevant and appropriate!) What have you picked? #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #3: Practice dancing together and brides try it in a long skirt/dress and heels #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #4: Consider having a routine choreographed. Will you have slow ballroom or modern upbeat dance? Any teachers near you? #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #5: Feeling shy? Bring your wedding party in to the dance and then rest of guests #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP #6: Add in some surprises – mash up of songs, flash mobs or outfit changes! What have you got planned? #UKWedLunch
This week has been about first dances. Let me know if there’s any topics you’d like #UKWedLunch to cover.
As well as general wedding planning chat, next week’s topic will be alternatives to wedding invitations #UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 26th April 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today will be about networking & sharing recommendation #UKWedLunch
Next week will be talking about first dances #UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 19th April 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today we celebrating achievements – personal/professional and big/small #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP 1: It’s important to celebrate personal milestones – what are you proud of achieving this week? #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP 2: Celebrating milestones gives a boost of encouragement & a sense of fulfilment #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP 3: It provides recognition & recognises time & effort that has been put towards something #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP 4: Share your big/small wins – a milestone in your wedding planning, a great testimonial, a product launch #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP 5: What’s your next big milestone or thing you’re working towards? #UKWedLunch
TOP TIP 6: Take the time to give yourself some recognition and a little pat on the back #UKWedLunch
This week’s top tips are taken from Celebrating achievements #UKWedLunch
As well as general wedding planning chat, next week will be about networking & sharing recommendations #UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 12th April 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, this week there’s a wedding traditions quiz (just for fun!) Tweet your replies (answers at the end of #UKWedLunch)
Here we go… QUESTION 1: Why are church bells rung at the end of a wedding ceremony? #UKWedLunch
QUESTION 2: Which is said to be the unluckiest month to get married in? #UKWedLunch
QUESTION 3: In Victorian times, what did brides use as a code to convey hidden meanings? #UKWedLunch
QUESTION 4: What do Greek brides put in their gloves for good luck? #UKWedLunch
QUESTION 5: In Holland, what is planted outside a newly married couple’s home as a symbol of fertility? #UKWedLunch
QUESTION 6: What would happen if the single guests slept with a slice of wedding cake under their pillow? #UKWedLunch
Hope you’ve had fun! Here are the answers: A1= drive away evil spirits, A2= May, A3= flowers, A4= sugar cubes, A5= pine tree, A6= dream of future spouse #UKWedLunch
Congratulations if you got all the questions correct. See more wedding traditions on https://www.hanamidream.co.uk/category/traditions/ #UKWedLunch
Look forward to seeing you again in next Wednesday 1-2pm for more wedding planning chat and celebrating achievements. All the very best for a very Happy Easter! #UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 5th April 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today we look at modern alternatives to wedding traditions – which will you break #UKWedLunch
DRESS IN WHITE: Will your dress be white/ivory or will you break with tradition? #UKWedLunch
MATCHING BRIDESMAIDS DRESSES: Will your bridesmaids have matching dresses or will you mismatch styles or colours? #UKWedLunch
UNLUCKY TO SEE BRIDE BEFORE THE WEDDING: Will you opt to capture a ‘first look’ shot instead of following this tradition? #UKWedLunch
THROWING THE BOUQUET: Will you throw your flowers or give them to longest married guests after anniversary dance? #UKWedLunch
TOP TABLE: Will you sit your parents, best man and chief bridesmaid at the front or have your own table to yourself? #UKWedLunch
WEDDING GIFTS: Will you ask for things for the home or experiences or honeymoon vouchers? #UKWedLunch
Email info@www.hanamidream.co.uk for more suggestions for modern alternatives to wedding traditions by #UKWedLunch
As well as general wedding planning chat, next week will be a wedding traditions quiz #UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 29th March 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today we look at where are you on your wedding planning journey #UKWedLunch
JUST ENGAGED: Set the budget, date & guest list so you can pick a venue and planner #UKWedLunch
11-12 MONTHS TO GO: Book photographer, florist and caterer, pick your attendants, get insurance & think about decor #UKWedLunch
8-10 MONTHS TO GO: Book officiant and band, register for gifts, book honeymoon, buy dress & pick stationery #UKWedLunch
6-7 MONTHS TO GO: Pick cake, buy bridesmaids dresses, send save the date, trial hair and make up & taste menu #UKWedLunch
3-5 MONTHS TO GO: Book transport, hire suits, pick accessories, buy rings, order favours and decide on decor #UKWedLunch
1-2 MONTHS TO GO: Send invitations, finalise menu, write vows, confirm numbers, create seating plan & complete schedule #UKWedLunch
If you’d like a complete wedding planning timeline then please email info@www.hanamidream.co.uk for your copy #UKWedLunch
As well as general wedding planning chat, next week we will be looking at ‘modern alternatives to wedding traditions‘ #UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 22nd March 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today we look at wedding themes – what styles & cultural trends influencing your big day #UKWedLunch
THEME 1: Beauty & the Beast – the tale may be as old as time but you’ll always be our guest #UKWedLunch
THEME 2: Wind in the Willows – an outdoors adventure along the beautiful riverside #windinthewillows #UKWedLunch
THEME 3: Festival – laid back, boho festival vibe in tipis adorned with ribbons & dream catchers #UKWedLunch
THEME 4: Wizard of Oz – follow the yellow brick road with sunflowers & rainbow colours #wizardofoz #UKWedLunch
THEME 5: Nautical – sophisticated striped navy and subtle use of rope, hessian and anchor icons #UKWedLunch
THEME 6: Alice in Wonderland – follow the white rabbit with red roses, hearts, tea cups and clocks #UKWedLunch
This week’s wedding themes are a selection of curations from Pinterest – which was your favourite? #UKWedLunch
As well as general wedding planning chat, next week we will be looking at ‘where are you on your wedding planning journey‘#UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST
Photography by Farrow Photography