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#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 19th April 2017

As well as general wedding planning chat, today we celebrating achievements – personal/professional and big/small  #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 1: It’s important to celebrate personal milestones – what are you proud of achieving this week? #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 2: Celebrating milestones gives a boost of encouragement & a sense of fulfilment #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 3: It provides recognition & recognises time & effort that has been put towards something #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 4: Share your big/small wins – a milestone in your wedding planning, a great testimonial, a product launch #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 5: What’s your next big milestone or thing you’re working towards? #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 6: Take the time to give yourself some recognition and a little pat on the back #UKWedLunch

This week’s top tips are taken from Celebrating achievements #UKWedLunch

As well as general wedding planning chat, next week will be about networking & sharing recommendations #UKWedLunch

JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST

Photography by Farrow Photography