#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 22nd March 2017
As well as general wedding planning chat, today we look at wedding themes – what styles & cultural trends influencing your big day #UKWedLunch
THEME 1: Beauty & the Beast – the tale may be as old as time but you’ll always be our guest #UKWedLunch
THEME 2: Wind in the Willows – an outdoors adventure along the beautiful riverside #windinthewillows #UKWedLunch
THEME 3: Festival – laid back, boho festival vibe in tipis adorned with ribbons & dream catchers #UKWedLunch
THEME 4: Wizard of Oz – follow the yellow brick road with sunflowers & rainbow colours #wizardofoz #UKWedLunch
THEME 5: Nautical – sophisticated striped navy and subtle use of rope, hessian and anchor icons #UKWedLunch
THEME 6: Alice in Wonderland – follow the white rabbit with red roses, hearts, tea cups and clocks #UKWedLunch
This week’s wedding themes are a selection of curations from Pinterest – which was your favourite? #UKWedLunch
As well as general wedding planning chat, next week we will be looking at ‘where are you on your wedding planning journey‘#UKWedLunch
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY! on Twitter between 1-2pm BST

Photography by Farrow Photography